Tuesday 15 May 2007

pluvial musings

I had a fitful sleep last night. The lullabic rhythm of the midnight rain that played outside really should have had a soporific effect, if not for my circadian rhythm having been reset that afternoon by a retrospectively unwise submission to mid-day somnolence.

So laying in my bed, with nothing to do I began thinking: Why exactly does rain induce sleep? Conventional wisdom might attribute its effect solely to its audible rhythmic quality. The predictable incessancy of the sound of droplets hitting myriad surfaces interrupts the dull stillness of the night and alleviates the restlessness of the mind. Contrary to popular belief, a still mind is not really a mind at rest; studies have suggested that "dream sleep" is actually more efficacious at rejuvenating the brain than "non-dream sleep". I think the same applies to our pre-sleep physiology as well. A mind that has something soothing to focus on, is a mind that is more likely to go into a comfort zone conducive for sleep than a mind that has nothing to process, and consequently becomes restless and delays sleep. But the audible qualities of rain, I think, is only a partial explanation.

The other reason is security. Being tucked up in a warm bed with the cold rain beating down outside makes us feel safe. It is an illustration of how we appreciate something only because of its antithetical analogue (I'm sure there is a proper philosophical term for this theory, but it eludes me at the moment). For example, we value light only because we have experienced darkness; we know what "softness" is only because we have also perceived "hardness"; peace is treasured only because we understand the consequences of war, etc.

It is the same with our sense of security during the rain. The warmth and dryness of our beds is contrasted with the cold wetness of the outside rain. Our perceived safety is made more tangible precisely because of a manifest threat that we know can't get us. In fact, the greater the torrent, the safer we feel in our beds. And obviously, the safer we feel, the more conducive it is to go to sleep.

So yeah, that's my take on why the rain makes us sleepy. I know - I'm such a nerd. Anyway, I hope the heavens decide to present an encore tonight...

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