Tuesday, 4 September 2007

i'm lovin' it

My job allows me the privilege of meeting a smorgasbord of personalities on a daily basis. I am rather discriminating with the individuals I choose to work with, much like how an epicurean at a buffet would select only the foods most congenial with his palate. My manager, Dina - wise beyond her years, would be the first to admonish me against accepting as a client someone with deep pockets at the expense of consideration for his or her personal integrity and virtue. I define my profession and the contract I enter into with the individuals and families I have the honour of working with, as so more than a mere transactional one. The relationship that is forged between us is based on the sacrosanctity of implicit trust. They tell me their aspirations, hopes and dreams. I tell them it is my responsibility to help them to the best of my ability realize the financial resources they need to fulfill their ambitions. It means that I will champion them beyond the narrow scope of monetary concerns. It means to some extent, I vicariously assume those dreams and hopes as well. I invest my emotional energy in them and reap the intangible dividends of personal satisfaction when I see them reap the tangible ones of monetary returns - because of my contribution. I invest in futures - theirs.

Once in a rare while, I meet a client who takes this to a new level - a plane where between us, there is not only a meeting of minds, but also of value, virtue and vision. A concinnity of moral substance and personal temperament that graduates us beyond a professional relationship and into a friendship.

This is why I do what I do. And love it everyday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see you've chosen to write again - Bravo! I've missed those elaborate locutions ;)
